Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hello. My Name is Delilah.

Mother of four.
Avid reader.
Novice seamstress.
Wannabe photographer.
Jewelry Lady.
Chicken farmer.
Cat lover.

That's what I am.

All of those describe who I am and what I do on a daily basis. They are listed in no particular order, although the first one is obviously my top priority! My kids are wonderful gifts from above and I can only imagine how boring and meaningless my life would be without them. They keep me busy from the moment my feet touch the floor in the morning until I kiss the last one goodnight in the evenings. My only son is my oldest. He is 14. My girls are 10, 8 & 2. I have been married to my husband since May of 1999. He is my best friend in the world. We have a rather unique married relationship in this day & age. We actually like each other and desire to spend as much time together as possible. Imagine that!

As you can see from my list above, I am also a homeschooler. Jacob will be starting the 9th grade in the fall. It will be my first foray into homeschooling a high school student. Luckily, my family & I are members of a wonderful homeschool support group, so this task doesn't seem as daunting to me as it could. The group offers all kinds of activities for all ages, but Jacob will benefit from activities such as Student Council, Teen Pact, co-op and others. There is also a group within the group specifically for parents of high school kids that offers info on things like getting into college and other topics.

Recently, my husband & I decided to try our hand at raising chickens. We hit the feed store, bought some chicks, built a coop and did some research online. Now, a few months later, we have 27 chickens and are eagerly awaiting the day when our girls start laying. I like the idea of not having to buy eggs at the grocery store anymore! It's been very interesting to watch these birds grow up. Most of them have names. We even have a few that are very friendly and like to perch on our laps when we visit the coop with treats.

Sewing. I've never really been good at it. I've tried a few times. My first experience was many years ago in 7th grade Home Economics. I remember sewing a pair of shorts for PE. The elastic in the waistline kept twisting. They were pretty awful. Then when Jacob was very young, I sewed curtains for his bedroom. They came out fine and they were pretty easy to sew. But just a week or so after they were hung, Jacob decided to cut them with a pair of scissors. About this same time, I tried to sew myself a shirt. It was completely unwearable. Absolutely hideous. So, a few weeks ago when I was shopping at Hobby Lobby I decided I'd give it another go and try to sew some dresses for my girls. After all, I was feeling quite homemakerish what with my chicken farm and all. I purchased a few easy patterns and some different fabrics that the girls chose. The first dress, with the guidance of my mom, came out quite wearable! I was very excited. So, I decided to tackle the next dress without the help of my mom. And to my surprise, it came out even better than the previous dress. I was downright pleased with myself. I have more patterns and fabrics to play with and the fruits of those efforts will be shared here.

That list up there is long and I don't have time to cover it all today, but more is on the way. If you stumble across the blog, I hope you enjoy it. I think it will be fun to chronicle bits and pieces of my life here on this blog. I'm looking forward to it. See you around! Have a blessed day!

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